Building a Brighter, Substance-Free Wisconsin

Every day, substance use impacts families, friendships, and futures across Wisconsin. At NEWAHEC, we believe in the power of prevention—because every person who never starts is a victory.

Empower Through Education

We don’t just teach; we empower. Through evidence-based education, we equip youth and young adults with the knowledge to make healthy choices. Our goal? A generation that says “no” not out of fear, but out of understanding.

Join Us —Because Prevention is Personal
  • For Youth: Lead by example. Your choices influence peers.
  • For Parents: Start conversations early and often.
  • For Educators: We offer training to boost your impact.
  • For Everyone: Support our events, share our message.

Wisconsin’s health isn’t just statistics; it’s people. At NEWAHEC’s Substance Use Prevention Team, we’re not just preventing use—we’re promoting life. A life where every individual, family, and community thrive.

Substance Use Prevention Contacts

Community-Driven Initiatives

Together, these coalitions aren’t just programs—they’re platforms where leaders rise.

Everyone living longer, better.

This coalition is a group of community members who have been impacted by or are concerned about substance use and want to improve our community’s quality of life. The coalition members work together on strategies to help prevent young people from ever trying or misusing substances.

Mission: Create a safe and healthy environment for youth with reduced access to substances and increased positive connections.

Vision: Everyone living longer, better.

Stategic Prevention Framework

HMC-SUP follows the Strategic Prevention Framework to build and sustain coalition work. For effective change, the coalition utilizes CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Effective Community Change which include:
  • Providing information
  • Enhancing skills
  • Providing support
  • Enhancing barriers/reducing access
  • Changing consequences
  • Changing physical design
  • Modifying/developing policies

Established in 2007 under the Wisconsin Department of Health Services/Bureau of Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery, the Alliance for Wisconsin Youth (AWY) is dedicated to support local coalitions build their capacity and reduce substance misuse. AWY Coalition Members benefit from the assistance of FIVE Regional Prevention Centers (RPCs), with NEWAHEC serving as the Northeastern and Southern RPC.

The Five Regional Prevention Centers are contracted to support coalitions within those regions with providing networking opportunities, trainings, and resources tailored to the needs of their respective regions. The approach to delivering these resources varies based on the discretion of each RPC.

Through the Northeastern and Southern RPC, we have developed the website to provide updated information, networking, trainings, and resources through a member’s only portal. Membership is FREE.

This program is funded by the Wisconsin Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Program, Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

The Wisconsin Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Program is dedicated to reducing the burden of commercial tobacco and nicotine on Wisconsin’s people and communities. We invite you to learn more and get involved.

The statewide WI Wins campaign uses a science-based strategy to decrease youth access to tobacco products and help retailers avoid fines. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services contracts with local partners to conduct investigations, retailer education and training, media outreach, and community education.

Our goal – WI Wins uses positive reinforcement to create healthier communities by congratulating clerks who don’t sell tobacco to youth and educating those who do.

Beyond Substances: A Holistic Approach

Reserve your Festival ToolKit


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