Spotlight: Gabriela Perez – MD Candidate | Class of 2026
I first started my journey to medicine when I immigrated to the United States. Throughout the lengthy immigration process, my family members and I had to meet with numerous medical professionals. Throughout all of it, I felt very disconnected and lacking knowledge as to what was going on around me. This sparked an interest within me for medical education and, specifically, serving the immigrant population. I decided to apply to become an AHEC Scholar because the mission included a focus on social determinants of health as well as connecting communities and supporting health professionals. Working and attending to the immigration and underserved populations is something that fuels my future practice in medicine. I have now completed 1 year as an AHEC scholar and I can say my experience has definitely met my expectations. I was able to participate in the Substance Use and Recovery Immersion in Manitowoc and Sheboygan Counties to hear valuable information about how to best become a resource and a helping hand to our patients who struggle with substance use. I truly value my time as an AHEC Scholar and I look forward to my second year.